EZ Lock Blind Rack®

Patented Industry Leading Paddle Blind Storage Rack. Available to Rent or Purchase

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USA Industries' patented EZ Lock Blind Rack is a revolutionary solution for storing paddle blinds up to 24-1/4" OD. It can hold 884 blinds, weighing up to 12,000 lbs on a single rack. As leaders in industrial isolation and hydrotest thickness paddle blinds, we understand the challenges of managing large inventories. The patented EZ Lock Blind Rack prevents storage, transportation, and security issues.


  • Weight accommodation: 12,000 lbs / storage capacity: 884 blinds.*
  • Accommodates "7" and "T" handles.
  • Easy and safe to transport storage unit with lockable shelves.
  • Overhead heavy-duty lifting lugs and bottom accessible forklift skids for secure movement.
  • Proprietary auto-locking lid mechanism for safety during access, while reducing theft and blind loss.
  • Patented adjustable indexing retainers provide safety and blind security.
  • Order fully stocked and receive discount

*Dependent on Line Sizes and thickness.

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