EZ Vent-Purge® Paddle Blind

Combining the Benefits of our EZ Vent & EZ Purge Slip Blinds into One Tool!

EZ Vent-Purge Slip Blind Hero Image

The EZ Vent-Purge slip blind combines the benefits of EZ Vent® and EZ Purge® into one tool! Purge the line safely during "Hot Work" using the Purge side, and then bleed and control pressure or fluids using the Vent side. This combo saves time and money by integrating these two useful blinds into a single tool.

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  • Vent one side of your flange while purging the other side
  • Multiple Ports can be added, venting one or both sides
  • Safer, quicker and easier than traditional practices
  • Prevents damage to flanges from makeshift spacers
Frequently Asked Questions

EZ Vent®, EZ® Purge
EZ Vent-Purge Line Sheet